A simple girl who just love her
Layout: Kary-yan/ Missyan.
Hosts: x
mummy:shyahida.shyahida. me:hmm.(cant open my eyes) mummy:shyahida bte -,you are posted to tampines poly, biomedical under 2009 jae. me:*ignored mummy:kakak.u get biomedical. me:ask them to change. mummy:shyahida bte -,you are posted to nanyang poly,nursing (C97) under 2009 de reaction langsung. me:mummy!!i tengah mimpi shiok shiok. it was 6.45am and my mom woke me up.urgh!disturbed from my wonderful dream.i was actually sleepy and confused.went back to sleep. like,where in singapore have tampines polytechnic??woke up at 9.00am and check.i got nursing.yay!! actually planned to have breakfast at orchard with mom and dad but i woke up jadi. supposed to go to haiqal's chalet,but last minute i tk jadi.i'm having diarrhea.urgh! why?!got to stay at home.sorry uh people!!
♥ShyBeaa 1:48 PM
1.Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed? `cheeks! 2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning? `can’t open my eyes. 3: Who was the last person you took a photo with? ` cousins. 4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? `I don’t think so. 5: Would you ever donate blood? `I would love to save peoples’ lives. 6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? `of course. 7: Do you want someone dead? `if I say I want to save people lives meaning I don’t want anybody to die!! 8:What does your last text message say? `”do you want to fetch the giler??” 9:What are you thinking of right now? `should I go to airport??.. 10: Do you wish someone was with you right now? ` brother is already beside me with his guitar. 11: What time did you go to sleep last night? `11.48pm.i remember!! 12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now ? `not bought but brought from my father workplace. 13: Is someone on your mind right now? `SHINee –taemin..hehe xD 14: Who was the last person to text you? `DONGHAE!! If only 10 PEOPLE TAGGED TO DO THISQUIZ : `ANYBODY who have time to do!! 15: Who is 2 having a relationship with? `anybody! 16: Is 3 a male or a female? `gay or lesbo?? 17: If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing? `NOT GOOD!! Because 7 is a murderer!! 7 eight 9. 18: What is Number 1 studying about? `anything! 19: When was the last time you had a chat with them? `anytime?? 20: Is Number 4 single? `no.4 is not single because it has 3 strokes triangle should I say?hmm. 21: Say something about Number 2.? `whole number.. 22: What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together? ` as long as their parents approve them.heh. 23: Describe Number 9.? `difficult for me to answer. 24: What will you do if Number 6 and 7 fight? `6 will die because 7 eight 9!! 25: Do you like Number 8? `how should I say?? Hmm.i will have to think again.
♥ShyBeaa 8:41 PM
something's not right with me.i don't know idea what cause idea how it happen.but how i feel right now is just not me.sometimes i felt like crying.sometimes i feel emotions are just appear all of a sudden.
what's with me?
is it because i watched too many emotional dramas?if it is, then i will have to stop.
or is it that i loves to send wai sad songs?if it is, i will have to stop too.
is it because my usb cable spoiled?if it is,then i will have to change to a new one.
is it because i can't go overseas?if it is,then i will have to renew my passport.
is it because i shut myself up this days?if is it,then i will have to be open.
how i feel now is just not me.i don't know what to's like i'm really hurt inside.
i really have no mood to do things.i have been in front of computer for so many hours which makes me feel hp,these days,being borrowed by my adik(s). what to do? these days is becoming my rival.i really hate staying at home eat,eat,eat.this is bad for me.i'm trying to change my diet for now on.but these is not what make me hurt inside. i really don't know what happen to me. everything is different for me now. i feel like an emo-shit.emo is not me. i don't want things like this to happen.i want to be happy but how? )':
♥ShyBeaa 9:33 PM
where i go??
don't worry about me okay.i'm fine.i'm always here,never go anywhere.
i just do not have time to blog these days.
here goes the missing blogs..
friday,went to tampines mall for breakfast with mummy,daddy and haziq.regretted going out with haziq.people all will think that he's my son!!wth la rite.should have wore t-shirt saying "i'm not his mother!!" i think in that way,people will get the idea.and so yah,my (ex)school had chinese new year celebration which starts at 11.15am.i had breakfast at 10.30 am.went shopping at 11.00 am.went to search for mobile phones at 11.30 am.went off to interchange at 11.45 am.bus arrived at 12.00pm.and guess what!! i reached at rite!!i came,concert rite!!after that went home and had to leave to my kak nana house.cik zul fetch us from my house to silat road.
saturday,accompanied my cousin to send haziq for vaccination.haziq cried loud!before headed back home, we ate at kopitiam.after that, we went to fetch kak nani from her gymnastics and then off to far east at was within 2 hours, and i ate 2 meals.then went shopping.i was happy suddenly because i heard wondergirls song-anybody-damn nice i tell you.then went back.i did not sleep until 7.00 am.i was watching korean drama 'oh dalja'(오달자 ).hehe.funny story.its about becoming a fake lover,ending up in true lovers.watched only up till episode 8.that was already 7.00 am and there i started falling asleep.then i slept till 12.00 noon.haha.nocturnal for a day.
sunday,slept at 7.00am.woke up at 12.00 noon.went to vivo giant to look for bbq stuffs.having family bbq in the evening.prepared bbq stuffs while waiting for all to come and then off to bbq pit.the place was dark.hais..2 live chickens roaming around our area.the chicken then shouted(not shout la,jus dunno wad their language is)at us.because we were eating their friend too, cute 4-yr-old cousin,taufiq. taufiq: mummy, i want dog. his mom: dog? aunty: hotdog.not dog. taufiq: mummy, i want hotdog. he is soo cute!he used to call chicken, 'dog.'he was dancing to 'nobody' song.haha.after that went back to aunty house.talked to emi (:
monday,woke up at 9.00am.watched 'susuk'.watched 'ip man'.continue with 'oh dalja'.aunty cooked steamboat.delicious!!yummy!!mummy fetched and head off to last!!home!!went to eastpoint at 8.00pm for dinner.eastpoint was empty except for fast-food restaurants and watson.went watson and then to ljs.after that home-sweet-home!!
i don't know what to do i feel like i don't belong here anymore i'm not me anymore everything is different now.really.
people its just lyrics.quoted from a song.not about me.hehe. emi,thanks okays (:
♥ShyBeaa 11:20 PM
sorry for not updating uh!!hehe. yesterday,went to school with wai,fareha,nini,jun.wai n fareha went to their cca n nini sat in the canteen.i went to check on ncc.haha.sat with fatin n talk.then, sat with wai,fareha,nini,jun,hazim n faeez in canteen.tallktalk.took pictures with mr vanan's camera.haha."not nice.not nice".saw my sister with her for awhile.finally saw haiqal(emi brother).but side view only.haha.had to go home early. went home talk talk with haziq.haha.suddenly, 'mammm!mmmmm!mammm!"he said that loudly.hahah.cute rite!!
♥ShyBeaa 12:31 PM
woke up at 8am.went to tp with wawai and hana.hana went to the business booth and went to know about diploma in communications and media management.guess what she like the lecturer.haha.then they called a guy to tour us around the school.what a small world.he is fareha's cousin!haha.friendly.i like.hehe.he showed us to the studio.that part wawai was so happy.haha.then headed to tenderbest since hana been craving for it.then went to jyss to meet ms ross.after that,hana went home to solat,me,zati and wai went to withdraw and deposit money.then met hana again and off to tm.there meet dyan and yana.took pictures at cs.yana,one of the picture stop it eh.heheh.then i went home early. at night,followed my cousin collect money then to mrt station to top up my adiks cards.saw yana,dyan,wafiy and haziq.haha.then go home.
♥ShyBeaa 10:41 PM
sunday,11.1.2009 TENSION!SCARED!tomorrow is the day of the result.12 january 2009, heart is beating fast.duk duk duk!cant believe it's tomorrow.
♥ShyBeaa 3:32 PM
saturday, 10.1.2009 met with fareha,azrah,nini at tampines then met with fareha cousin at city hall then off to NYP.went to know more on nursing inserted into baby's ribcage to suck the air out from the body.sad rite??haha.then, we played with the inhaling and exhaling thingy to test our respiration.haha.fareha was the highest among us.i guess must have sumtink related with her high tone laugh.haha.i think so.heheh.then we went to tp jam and was fun i tell like nobody!fun!fun!went home,online foor awhile and sleep.
♥ShyBeaa 2:57 PM
monday, 5.1.2009 went out with fareha and azrah to orchard.azrah rebonded her hair!she look more tembam!hehe.went for job was raining and we three got wet.what a day!our hair were wet!hais!then we ate 'gogo' sausage bun.and sat in front of ngee ann was still drizzling and our bun were wet too but shifted inner.haha.then headed off to simpang bedok to have our heavy meal.we ordered drinks first.i oso dunno why i ordered 'iced limau'.haiya!it was fun eating there with them.hahaha!!!funny arh!!after which we waited for bus home.funny arh!!afterwhich, we went home.hehe!^.^
♥ShyBeaa 2:42 PM
saturday, 3.1.2009 woke up at 5am again.follow my sis to her school for her part 2 of cca fair.her school is so long-winded!! 8:00am-9:00am - principal sleepy!the way she give her speech is the opposite of my principal's speech. 9:00am-10:ooam - cca talk.sianz.. 10:ooam-11:00am - refreshments.delicious! 11:00am-12:00pm - various cca performances. at last it ended.then i went to west cousin and her friends organised a carnival.wen i reached the place, there were dogs running around!i was scared to go in the field at first.but i went in oso.haha!my aunty sells food and beside her stall was a hand massage stall.she own a dog too!her dog was so kept going to my aunty stall for food.i tink its hungry.the dog barked at my aunt.but one thing bout that dog i like that it is obedient.the dog came to my aunt and she point her finger to its owner place and the dog did go back.haha!cute right!the owner just fed the dog water and no yah it is hungry.the dogs were running around the field.its like watching two small children playing catching.they are so cute!!there were lots of them and some big ones came sniffing at our place.the dog walked under our chairs and i raised my legs up.i just scared if they licked me.haah!i went home.and mom said i smell like wth perfume?heeh!
♥ShyBeaa 2:51 PM
friday, 2.1.2009 woke up at 5am to follow my mom and dad to my bro's school.stupid of me to wake up at 5am which is lyk damn early lah. mom: why you wake so early? me: you say wake up early what. mom: yalah coz must go baba school at 9am. me: i tot i heard last nite you say 5am wake up. and so yah.i slept back and woke up again.went to his school and had bro's sch refreshment is better and more delicious than my sis sch refreshment, no taste!! haha.then after that went to julia's house to fetch her.haha.she was playing the dbsk music videos!haha.i like!!then came dyan,yana and wawai.had to finish the tea before going out.on the way to the bustop, something funny happened.haha!!slipper putus!!hehe!!wawai,dyan and julia went to buy slipper and i teman her sit under blk.hehe!!went to eat bbq chicken.after eating i said "excuse me" 3 times to the waiter.but he did not hear me.hais.then take dyan pay and headed off to the bus, two girls were laughing loudly.i felt irritated.and suddenly the small girl,i tink kindergarten, shouted" haha!you're tickling my vagina!" we were shocked to hear that!haha!that small girl must have learnt more than what we last!!meet up with my girlfriends!!haha.but sad,izzati and hana cant make it. that was actually candid. d dyan was actually talking with julia(not in pic) yana pujuk wawai.(i tink)    in the end we diidnt finish the chilli sauce. that does not belong to wawai! hehe
♥ShyBeaa 8:52 PM