small , normal , large , largest
i was helping my mom in the kitchen.and so yah, i did this.haha.
grandparents grandparents(dried chillies)
father mother(big chillies)
twin siblings and me!!(small chillies)
♥ShyBeaa 9:17 PM
went to my cousins nikah.went to woodlands (groom's side) then off to pasir ris masjid istighfar for the nikah ceremony then to tampines (bride's side).and then went back home.super tiring!i dunno why but its super tiring!
sunday,15.02.2009 :
todays the wedding ceremony.went to tampines mall to buy my mom's shoe since it was spoiled. then off to woodlands.me and aisyah were chatting all along about 2pm and wondergirls.
haha!!funfunfun!!one day we will go korea ok!!
well,actually we were supposed to do rewang but so yah.lazy to do.hehe.
on the way back home,i saw my long lost cousin!!
we were in the bus and he was standing at the bustop.
me : mummy!! mamat!!
mummy : where?where?
me : there!there! go down uh.
mummy : eh!we susah susah go back interchange take bus home then wannaa go down.
hais.....urgh!!i miss him badly.really badly!!
aniwaes, wen i got down frm the bus,i almost fell.super embarrasing!!!the shoe putus!!
shy!!!and i sprained my ankle.sad very much ):
reached home, my ankle swollen.my dad,urut my feet. supposed to meet fareha but cos of this incident,i cant go.
my feet will take days to cure ):
♥ShyBeaa 3:10 PM
went to eastpoint for lunch with family.went to buy clothes and total costs $77.00.
then went to ntuc buy barang dapur and guess what.total costs $77.00 too!!
wow rite!!
lucky number for that day is 77.haha.
then went to meet nisha and nini for wai's band concert at nafa.concert starts at 8pm and we reached bugis half an hour before 8pm.we dunno where nafa is and thanks to nisha for calling syahid.haha.finally,reached the theatre on time.
we sat rite in front thought that we could see wai but cant coz she's behind.
break time bought for wai toblerone.after concert,took pictures.nisha had to go off early before we could even have dinner together.hais.
so,me and nini ate at kfc and went back home.

i forgotten what i did.haha!
went to sent my brother his guitar.and so he passed me his bag to bring home.then went to meet iqah at tm buy fishball and sushi.made a video call to wai.wai, i know haziq is cute like me!!haha.
currently on the phone with khuzaimah.haha.
♥ShyBeaa 9:20 PM