A simple girl who just love her
Layout: Kary-yan/ Missyan.
Hosts: x
saturday, had to wake up at 700am to vivo city to watch transformers 2.wakakaka!!!early rite?but who cares since the tickets are free!!!!the story i say,not bad is at 1030am.ended at 130pm. THEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNN, me and my cousin went to st james powerstation to have a glance at a KOREAN BAND GROUP.i repeat KOREAN BAND GROUP!!!!!!!!aaaaarggh!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, people who don't know.its a korean band group, F.T ISLAND!!!!their performance held at dragonfly st james powerstation!!!tickets at s$100 for an hour.if it wouldnt had been at dragonfly, i can enter free!!jealous much!! we sat near the fans who were queing to enter.we waited until 300pm and the queue were going in.sad much :( and so, we headed back to our parents.omggggg!!!!! SO NEAR YET SO FAR!!!!we were just outside the building and they were inside the building!!!! i want to see JONGHUN!!!  
monday, went to esplanade to practice dancing since the school is closed.wakkaka.then, went home. haziq's toe nail scratched my leg until scar.haha.
♥ShyBeaa 10:02 PM
STAGE ARTS ANNUAL CAMP 2009 ROCKKKKKKKSSS!!!WANTED 4's ROCK!! the 3 days 2nights camp is just so fun la har.all 4 departments were together as a family.
day 1: were divided into groups mixed of all four departments.sullivan is in my grp.WOW la har!!then, went to netball court for decorating our grp flags and then had to run back to the stadium and run back to the netball court with the lights out.DARK LIKE I CANNOT SEE.haha.then had a presentation on the grps flags design and a cheer.whenever other groups were presenting my group will always shout "GROUP 4 PLUSS POINTS!!" but we had alliance with group3 so yeah.haha.had a bath, went to sleep at 1am.
day 2: wwoke up at 5am, had PT in the early morning!!haha.had breakfast.then crash course.hhaha.the drama department was the most funny of all!!!haha.had a shock of my whole life!!that was my very first time to see a friend of mine being so FUNNY!!! night, had storytelling and then night hunt.!! was fun la har!
day 3: woke up at 8am.breakfast.then had each grps to act out the crime scene.hhaha.and then our grps result. 1st - SUPERIOR 2nd - RAPIST 3rd - WANTED 4'S!!!!!!!!! HAHAH.happy la har!!
Yana's birthday celebration.haha!!!
♥ShyBeaa 11:49 AM
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOOCHUN!!! his birthday is actually 4 june la.but who cares!!i know its late to wish already.but yeah.haha.
♥ShyBeaa 11:56 PM
currently in nursing lab,practicing while some are having their test today.mine FRIDAY!!!lagi baik tak payah pergi skola kan!!!! got nothing to do but with this lappy!!went into azrah's class.haha.webcamed with dyan.haha. anw this morning, i woke up at 700am. but i went into toilet at 800am. went out of toilet at 830 am. went out of house at 900am.took bus at 915am.boarded train at 945am.reached school at 1000am.i was super rushing la!!and never sett my hair and my eyeliner.and urghh , i had to do nothing in school!!super the irritating!! anw, last night irfan was being such a joker!!haha.firstly he appear as power ranger, then, pak haji, then, ajak me go rompak bank!! rompak bank ngan topi nagn cermin mata eh!!pakai cermin mata biler matahari tk de BAGOSSS!!haha.  
♥ShyBeaa 10:39 AM